Why Grow Y’Own
Most gardeners feel frustrated by their short growing season. At Grow Y’Own, we believe everyone should have a garden where they can sustainably grow clean, healthy food all year round—no matter where they live. The end result of our passion is a lot of happy clients and gardens that represent a belief in organic goodness.
How it Works
GROW Y’OWN hooped raised garden beds are carefully hand-crafted with kiln-dried Douglas fir and sunlight-resistant cover support hoops. All covers are UV-resistant and protect your crops from harsh sun, wind, critters, and bugs.

Home Gardners
Affordable, renewable, hooped raised gardens for growing one’s own food supply…year round!

Commercial Culinary Gardens
Installations at hotels, restaurants, schools, and more.

Grow Your Own Medicine
It is much more cost effective to grow your own cannabis than to buy cannabis from dispensaries.

“Grow Y’Own raised beds make it possible to grow vegetables in a backyard that is otherwise infested with wandering, thirsty, plant-choking roots. In weather that drops to the teens each night in winter, I still have a robust harvest of arugula, tatsoi, and other greens happily growing under the fitted row covers. This is a terrific solution to many of the challenges that the New Mexican backyard gardener faces.” —Deborah Madison, author of Local Flavors – Galisteo, NM

I’ve been wanting a vegetable garden for a long time- the only thing that stopped me was a back injury. Ken resolved that problem with these amazing waist high beds! In one day, he and his wonderful crew built these Insta-Gardens! It’s only been a few days since we planted, and I’ve never seen happier plants. Ken truly cares about making vegetable gardening carefree. Great thought goes into every detail, including a no-brainer watering system. Now there is no reason not to Grow Y’own! —K Howell, Santa Fe, NM
I started spinach, beets, arugula, bok choy & parsley on Oct. 28 – germinating them indoors and planting the gro-box on an even grid. It was 4 weeks to the first picking, 6 weeks for 2 salads daily – after 8 weeks we were picking pounds – enough for daily salads, cooking greens, plus extra for some neighbors. It’s February now and still quite a little jungle abounds. —Scott Diffrient, Galisteo, NM
The quality of your covers are absolutely incredible. Considering I tried to make my own before we talked, I know how hard it is, and your’s are nthing less than fantastic. We definitely can start months earlier in the spring with these. —J Parker, Salt Lake City, UT
It’s snowing outside. The temperature has dropped as low as 15 degrees. Yesterday I picked arugula, romaine, chard, mache, and parsley. With the plastic covering, our vegetables keep growing. All summer we can eat lettuce under our shade cloth without it bolting. We enjoy fresh greens all year long. —Judy Tuwaletstiwa, artist – Galisteo, NM
“The ‘Hoop’ is wonderful! Currently we have 14-15 different veggies growing. We have harvested various types of lettuce four times. The French radishes are ready to be harvested this weekend. We are really enjoying our Hoop experience.” —Marilyn Oatway, Bernalillo, NM
Learn More about Grow Y’own and how we can help you grow your own food supply.
A new, flourishing world awaits inside a Grow Y’Own hooped raised garden bed. Join our community of happy gardeners and start thriving today!
Contact Us
505 490-1849